August 2022
Career & Internship Fair
If you are interested in registering, please register here.
If you have any questions or need further information please contact Dr. ABM Rezbaul Islam.
Students and Programs
The 4+1 BS/MS Computing and Data Science program supported by the THECB grant # 25916 will officially launch this fall. We received great response rate for our marketing champion, a video brochure will be sent to interested students.
The Data Science Pathway on the Zeus Platform will be live for registration in September. Zeus is a Texas State University System program, that is currently being run as a partnership between Texas State University and Sam Houston State University. The new program is funded by the governor’s Emergency Educational Relief Funding under the Accelerating Credentials of Purposes and Value Grant Program to meet the needs of the fast-growing Texas economy.
Check out how the Zeus Platform can be used.
News and Highlights
NSA CAE Designation Ceremony
Dean Pascarella and Chair Zhou attended the NSA CAE Designation Ceremony in Atlanta, GA to receive the designation of National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CD) through the academic year 2025 for the B.S. degree in Computer Science concentration in Information Assurance (IA).
CS faculty attended the US Cyber command AEN faculty workshop on Cyber Persistence during June 23-24.
Data Science Workshop
The Department of Computer Science hosted the 2022 inaugural Data Science Workshop at Sam Houston State University. Our invited presenters are scientists, practitioners, and engineers from academia and industry, who have been actively working for decades on Big Data and Data Science technologies, methodologies, and tools. They shared their expertise with practical real-life applications and showcases for Scientific Data Visualization, Business Analytics, and Cloud Computing, to name a few. By directly interacting with the experts, participants had a chance to learn tips, challenges, and trends of Big Data and Data Science.
On May 04, 2022, The Department of Computer Science hosted a reception titled “The Passing of The Torch” Ceremony to honor the Spring 2022 graduates in the ACM Chapter at Sam Houston State University.